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Digital Asset Mgmt. Systems

  • June 15, 2023 4:45 PM
    Message # 13215907

    I was forwarded the following from a colleague of a post on the cgait listserv.  I was wondering if anyone would be willing to provide some information here that I can share with her or provide your contact info to discuss systems with her directly?

    Digital Asset Management Project

    Hello all! At Centennial we have started discussing a Digital Asset Management project. This is primarily to support our Communications team as they deal with thousands of pictures and video. Ideally a solution could help with meta data (ex tag council members or other who appear in photos often) along with custom fields which would be populated manually.

    Has anyone else done a successful implementation of this sort? We would like to know any products that worked well, and also a ballpark budget for planning.

    Thank you!

    Ronda Frazier, MS, CA

    Jefferson County Archives

  • June 26, 2023 10:18 AM
    Reply # 13220026 on 13215907

    You can pass my info along if you would like.

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